M2 Technologies OpenArm

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OpenArm Transaction SnmpMediator



This class outputs the information for a given transaction as SNMP v.2c traps.

SnmpMediator Properties

Regardless of how it is configured, the SnmpMediator has the following properties, which must be set:

  • managementHost : the managment host that traps should be sent to
  • managementHostTrapListenPort : the port that the managment host listens for traps on
  • enterpriseOID : the enterprise OID that define your company's/application's traps
  • applicationTrapOIDValue : the application trap OID that defines traps sent by your application
  • transactionLengthInterval : the time interval that you want as a threshold that must be exceeded before a trap is sent
  • updateLengthInterval : the same sort of threshold for updates
  • isBlockedEventTrap : a boolean flag that determines whether or not blocking events should be forwarded as traps

Dependency Injection Configuration

This class is accompanied by a so-called Mediator Configuration class -- SnmpMediatorConfiguration -- which you can use to configure the Mediator programmatically. The properties of the configuration class correspond to the properties of the Mediator. Here is an example:

return new OpenArmConfiguration() {
    public Map getMediatorConfigurations() {
        final Map result = new HashMap();
                new SnmpMediatorConfiguration("", //management host
                162, // management host trap listen port
                "", // enterprise OID
                "", // application trap OID
                2000, // transaction length interval
                10000, // update length interval
                true)); // blocked event trap flag
        return result;

The sample above also shows the default values that this class will use for each of these attributes, if you do not provide a properties file, or if you omit one or more of the attributes.

Declarative Configuration

If you need to use the (deprecated) file-based configuration mechanism, you should provide a properties file for this class within its classpath/classloader scope. The name of the properties file must be the value of the PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME constant defined in this class. Within this properties file, you should define the 7 properties listed above.

These properties must take the following form: [standard prefix].[attribute name]=[value] , where the [standard prefix] element must be net.m2technologies.open_arm.transport.transaction.snmp.SnmpMediator

A sample properties file might therefore look like the following:


The sample above also shows the default values that this class will use for each of these attributes, if you do not provide a properties file, or if you omit one or more of the attributes.